Find the Perfect Photo for Your Heart Locket | The Locket Sisters

Choosing the Perfect Photo for Your Heart Locket

When you think of a locket, you probably envision the chunky, heart-shaped one you had as a child. And even now, heart lockets remain a classic and popular choice among our customers at The Locket Sisters. While we offer a variety of shapes and sizes, the heart locket continues to steal hearts.

If you're considering purchasing one of our heart lockets - such as the elegant Gold Heart or the charming Roxie Belle Heart Locket - we want you to feel confident in the photo you choose to put inside. Our lockets come with a lifetime-protective resin, and we take care of placing your chosen photo inside for you. All you have to do is upload the picture you want. Read here for more information on how to order a locket and upload a picture.

Selecting the right photo is crucial when ordering a locket. It could be a cherished old photo (read here to learn how to take a photo of an old photo to upload to your order) or a new one to commemorate a special occasion. It might feature a loved one you want to keep close to your heart, or a treasured memory. Whatever it may be, let's make sure it looks stunning - a photo that brings you comfort, joy, or nostalgia.   

Once you have a few photo options, picture them in a heart shape. We custom-crop each uploaded picture to fit perfectly in each of our different lockets. Keep in mind that the heart shape requires a square crop. Check if your photo fits within a square - if there are faces involved, make sure they all fit within the square. Then, look at the top of the photo and remove the middle triangle. Does this cut off anyone's head? The bottom of the photo should also be able to be narrowed down to a triangular tip.

Notice that the above picture is a portrait sized photo. All of the faces are close to each other which makes it a good picture for any of our lockets. The Locket Sisters heart lockets all hold photos that are .6" or larger so more faces can work without them being super tiny. Once we get your photo we put it in photo shop and begin making it work to fit inside of your chosen locket. Hearts crop to a square, so you'll notice in the second photo where those crop lines are on a portrait size photo. The last picture shows the final crop before cutting it into the heart shape.

Here we have a landscape size photo with just 2 faces. A photo with 2 faces is the best for a heart as the shape naturally fits around the heads. Notice in the second photo, the square crop is created so the "v" shape of the heart will fit directly above the heads and the faces will be centered inside the heart locket. 

While we can definitely tweak a photo to make it look amazing in a heart shape, we want you to know which types of photos tend to work best. To help you, we have included photos and stories from previous orders. These stories help us to connect with each locket and we love sharing our favorites! In this case, not only do you get to see the way the picture was cropped to a heart but also the purpose of the locket for each customer.

Gold Roxie Belle Locket

Gold Roxie Belle Locket, "For my daughter. This locket is for my daughter ( 8 year old) who lost her dad in August 2021"

Silver Roxie Belle

Roxie Belle Heart Locket, "For Grandma. Her buddy for life."

double photo gold heart locket to match the sentiment that her grandparents had for the locket carried by her grandmother

Gold Roxie Belle Heart Locket, "When my grandma passed away, my grandpa gave me the locket he gave her that had photos of them both on their wedding day. I recently got married and want to have the same thing for my family some day."

silver heart locket roxie belle two sides with photos in memory of her mother

The Big Love Heart Locket, "My best friend. Her mother just passed suddenly August 9,2021. Her mother's birthday is August 22nd. I wanted to get her a small gift that she can keep close to her heart."

For some past Heart Locket Stories on our blog:

Beloved Mother

Happy 50th!

The Reminder to Keep Going

A Way to Keep Parents Close

An 80 Year Old Picture