Gold Bangle Locket with photo taken on daughter's wedding day.

"This photo, of the Kelm siblings, was taken on my wedding day December 27, 2019. When Amy and Alyssa told us to turn and look at each other for the picture, I thought back throughout our childhood. I remembered how we fought with each other or complained that one or the other received special treatment from our parents. On this day we were all adults. We may still fight but we have learned we are all each other’s biggest fan. My mom has raised an amazing crew. As we face the constant challenges of this world, we are reminded just how amazing she is. This gift is for her so she can carry us around even though we no longer live under her roof. After all, no matter how old we get, we still need our mom."

gold bracelet bangle locket with photo of four adult children inside, placed on two metal decorative plates