
**This is a BETA program launched October 2024. It's up and running and works, but still, thanks for your patience while we refine it and make this great for YOU!**

Very early on at the Locket Sisters people started telling each other about this little company run by sisters where they put the photo in the locket for you. Some of it was probably curiosity (what are these sisters doing?) and some of it was utility (someone loses a loved one and suggests our lockets). But what we know it was for sure, is consistent. Just by the numbers alone (which I love to track!) the early years at the Locket Sisters brought customers our way from mostly Instagram and either "word of mouth" or "friend or family" (which are basically the same). In the current years, the majority has shifted to "internet search" (thanks to some relentless SEO work!) and still consistently: "word of mouth" or "friend or family."

That means the common thread to our existence here is you.

These stats are humbling, because if you're out there doing the Lord's work on our behalf, we gotta make sure we're doing good work on behalf of your word that you gave to people you care about. We've focused on that for a while, dialed in our craft, and clarified our values as we grow so that the vibe you get when you interact with the Locket Sisters, at any point and with any one of us on the team, is consistent. We hope to exceed your expectations in the way we serve you, but at the very least, your locket better be a knockout.

Now, finally, at last, we're going live with rewards for our beloved customers, fans, and hardcore stewards of the good word here at the Locket Sisters. If you're telling your friends that we make bomb lockets and have great customer service, and then those friends actually order a locket from us?? Well, we'll be formally thanking you for that from here on out. We should have done it sooner honestly, I just tend to move at a pace that let's myself and my team live a real life, too, and so we go slower than the pace that capitalism tells us we should be going, but I digress..

All the rewards act as real money off your next locket order, like $15 off each time you successfully recommend someone to us, points for joining, following us on Instagram, sharing us on Facebook, your birthday, leaving an honest review and more, too, that we'll add spontaneously as a substantial way to thank you for pushing us forward.

Rooted in this new rewards thing we're doing is our gratitude to you for giving us a chance, trusting that when we make mistakes we'll make them right, and then telling your people that we exist. Thank you thank you thank you - so much.

We wouldn't exist without you.

