Locket Stories

Lockets for Kids

Lockets for Kids

We often get asked which lockets would be best for kids! We’d love to take some time to answer that question. We’ve made many lockets for kids who are missing a special person or pet, who are going off to school and want to have their mom and dad or their pet with them, best friends who have moved away, grandparents who can’t be near, and the list goes on. There’s something about having that speci…
Most Popular Round Locket Designs for Circular Pictures

Most Popular Round Locket Designs for Circular Pictures

Lockets date back to the 15th century, and it's wild to think about the technical work in a dark room that would have to go into getting a photograph small enough to fit exactly inside a locket. I often wonder about those first locket makers - the photographers, the developers, the jewelers - was the first rendition a happy accident? An unintentional shift that changed how people can carry fo…
Sisters on their Wedding Days: Gold locket for Mom with photos inside

Sisters on their Wedding Days: Gold locket for Mom with photos inside

"Mama gave us the gift of love, which translated into raising us until we were to experience love within our marriages. Her youngest Daughter to be married first (Left photo) and her oldest Daughter to be married during a pandemic (Right photo), we witnessed our Mama being "near and far" during our most cherished moments. Because of this, we gift her this locket."…