Locket Stories

The Good Old Days

The Good Old Days

 "This is mom and "Newmie" dancing together, the good 'ol days. She has cared for a mentally handicapped man for over 30 years. He has been a "brother" really, living with our family all that time. He lived to be 75, 30 years longer than expected. He will be dearly missed."…
Gold Lockets of Grandmother on Mother's Day for Mom

Gold Lockets of Grandmother on Mother's Day for Mom

"My grandmother just passed away in February and was the epitome of a beautiful mother/grandmother. She raised my mom all by herself and instilled so much love in her. She was an unwavering support system for all of us and was always there. We joked that she’s prob sad she missed her funeral bc she never missed anything. Ad she grew older she would insist on visiting us in Chicago but couldn’t do…
Mama Grief Gift For Herself

Mama Grief Gift For Herself

"This is Florence at 1 year of age, when her smile was the biggest, when she was still breastfed, strong and able to form words. Our sweet girl, before Spinal Muscular Atrophy reared it's ugly head. But this photo is one of my very favourites, because her joy is evident all across her face."…