Locket Stories

NEW! Optional Chain Sizes for Your Locket

NEW! Optional Chain Sizes for Your Locket

The first time I heard about the word "inclusion" was when I worked for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Denver in the summer of 2008. I was in my 20s, young, had some experience in the non-profit world, had just left a job supporting families facing challenges surrounding poverty, racism, classism, immigration, education, and in some cases severe abuse and neglect, too. I was ready for a change, somet…
"I wanted to match her energy"

"I wanted to match her energy"

"Rachel and I have been dating for 4 months officially and seeing each other for almost 6 months... My birthday was March 7th and she made it very special for me, so I wanted to match her energy in making her birthday just as special."…
The Hope Locket of Three Sisters

The Hope Locket of Three Sisters

"For Michelle. I wanted to gift my sister something unique and special for her birthday. What is a Shero: A shero is defined as a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a heroine. In this photo, we are dressed up as our favorite shero. Even though I am the oldest sister, my sisters are my own personal sheroes!"…