Back to School: Meow Meow Cat Locket for Kindergartener

The Locket Sisters has been around for nearly seven years now, and in those 28 seasons, we've made a lot of lockets for a lot of kids, and young adults, who are about to venture into a new chapter of their lives. Off to kindergarten, or Italy, or study abroad, or university, or a new job, a move across the country -- putting space between relationships where proximity used to reign supreme. 

I remember when my sister, Amy, and I were first starting the Locket Sisters back in 2017. Before we even had the idea of this whole thing, we were offering lockets to our photography clients. I was telling one of them how my then-4-year-old daughter was so comforted by her locket with a photo of the two of us, that she offered it to other children who were struggling at drop-off in the mornings. No matter it wasn't a photo of them, she assumed even a photo of her and I might help. The further we get from that moment, nearly seven years ago, the more special it feels to me. 

Anyway, I told our clients this story, and when those clients left, my sister grabbed me by the arm and was like "We have to do lockets." From there, rooted in the comfort they were capable of providing, we built a website ourselves, figured out some logistics and inventory and shipping, and hit go. While so much has changed since then, including my sister moving on to full-time health coaching, which is a skill and calling that saved my nephew's life and has impacted many more, the roots of comfort in connection remain the base of all we do at the Locket Sisters.

"Crosby is about to start kindergarten. He asked for a locket like mine (which you made) so that when he goes to school he can have me close. He specifically chose this blue kitty locket and it couldn’t be more perfect. His favorite color is blue and he’s been talking about asking Santa for a pet kitten for months. He says kittens are the most snuggly! This picture was taken at the beginning of Covid, this spring when every I was so scary and unknown. I was furloughed and his preschool had just closed. With his sister at daycare, I can remember thinking this would be one of my last days with just he and I. My first born who holds such a big space in my heart. A day to ourselves. We went on a hike, he saw a snake to which he still talks about! We sat for a moment looking at all the nature around us and I was lucky to get a picture of that sweet outing. He pick this picture and said he wanted a “nice photo, not goofy.” As nervous and anxious as I am about seeing my little man off to school, I’m happy I can give him a little something to remind him I’ll always be with him."

blue cat locket with photo of kindergartener and mom for his first day of school

blue cat double photo locket with painted enamel and a cat face on the front that can hold a photo

For more lockets we love for kids, check out this blog here:

