"Euphoria was overcome by despair 2 weeks later"

"Roxie and Gramma Carole were best friends. From the moment Roxie entered the world, Carole dedicated herself to bonding with her only granddaughter. And Roxie adored Gramma. Their love story was beautiful. Roxie looked forward to talking to Gramma on the phone. She anxiously awaited deliveries of Gramma’s thoughtful packages, filled with games, toys, books – but most importantly – Gramma’s homemade cookies, faithfully sent across the country every month – sometimes every week. During Gramma’s visit to the west coast in 2019, we surprised her with a trip to Yosemite. On the 4+ hour drive north, Roxie and Gramma read books in the back seat, reflecting upon the crazy adventures of the protagonist and his foil, chatting like lighthearted teenagers. Rox and Grandma explored Mariposa Grove and stood at the foot of Yosemite Falls in awe of nature’s majesty. Their time together was magical. We had no idea how prescient that time would be. Euphoria was overcome by despair 2 weeks later when Roxie was stolen from the earth. Roxie was so fortunate to have such an engaged and loving grandmother. The universe will never be quite right without the two of them together. But we are so fortunate to have Carole to guide us through this overwhelming journey of grief. And we will forever hold on to the beautiful memories she created with our girl. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom/Carole. We love you, to the moon and back."

small heart locket with two pictures inside for grandmother with granddaughter who passed away