MN Best Business Silver Winner: Jewelry Store, Place to Buy a Gift

Last spring we were nominated for "Minnesota's Best" business in three categories: Jewelry Store, Place to Buy a Gift, and Speciality Store. During this same season we were wrapping a whirlwind local media tour on Kare11, Fox9, Twin Cities Live and Minnesota Live.

Around this same time I began to feel excruciating pain in my body

I'd hit an impasse, a fork in the road. My work was rising, my body was retreating. This tug-of-war sent me down a path of inquiry, demanding that I get to the root cause of this dichotomy or settle into a bed-ridden lifestyle. 

I dove head-first into my tension and found most of it sitting in my nervous system. Now I bring it to the surface, regularly, rather than to my muscles and nerves, with my therapist (HIP HIP HOORAY FOR THERAPY AM I RIGHT?), a consistent meditation practice, and regularly writing to figure out what the hell it is I'm hiding from myself in that ever-busy mind of my own. 

I've learned a big lesson, too, which is to “do things scared, and do them anyway.” The old, tired idea I carried that I must conquer all discomfort before I can allow myself to go forward wasn't working, and isn't rooted in any truth. Now I tell myself regularly to do it scared, Allyssa; do it anyway. 

It feels a bit full circle to have myself straightened up a bit now, both physically and emotionally, as I move out of the way of The Locket Sisters and allow her to rise if she wants to. I'm really excited to share with you that we've received not one, but TWO silver reader's choice awards for "Minnesota's Best Business" in the categories of Jewelry Store and Place to Buy a Gift

This is an accolade that's not only humbling (the gold and bronze winners are well-established diamond jewelry designers!) and stunning (I screamed when I got the email in June!) but gives me plenty to discuss with my therapist this afternoon when we review the nature of imposter syndrome and how joy, vulnerability and foreboding seem to be intertwined?? 

So onward we go at The Locket Sisters, doing it scared, and doing it anyway. 

Thank you so so so much for putting us on the map. 

