Locket Stories

Silver Lillian Locket for My Mom After Both Parents Passed

Silver Lillian Locket for My Mom After Both Parents Passed

"A photo of my mom’s parents at my grandmas 80th birthday celebration, 10 years ago. Grandpa passed away about 5 years ago after a slow decline in health. It was so hard on my mom when he died. She was daddy’s girl. Grandma passed away on January 31, 2020. She would have been 90 just two weeks later. My mom sacrificed so much of her personal needs and time to meet her mother’s needs in her final m…
Precious Family Photos Inside Silver Evelyn Locket with Etching

Precious Family Photos Inside Silver Evelyn Locket with Etching

"Photo 1 is my mom and her mother and father. Her father died in the Korean War when she was just 3 years old, after serving 3 years in WWII -- where he met my grandmother and fell in love. This is one of only two existing photos we have of the three of them together. The locket is for my mom's 70th birthday. Photo 2 is my grandfather, in Czechslovakia during WWII."…
Lapel Pin with Photo Inside for my Husband

Lapel Pin with Photo Inside for my Husband

"This is my favorite picture of our twins taken by Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. My son is now 6. He and his sister were born in the same minute via C section September 28, 2013. Jack and Kat . She let us love on her for 61 hours. It was more time than we ever thought we would have with her before we had to say goodbye. Kat was born with Trisomy 18, an 18th extra chromosome. It severely affecte…
Three Gifts, One Christmas

Three Gifts, One Christmas

"This is a Christmas present for my sister. (Yes, I ordered one for my mom...then made my husband buy me one and now my sister wants one too!) These are two pictures of our grandmothers when they were younger. The one in color is our paternal grandmother Martha. The black in white picture is our maternal "meme", Miriam. Martha passed away from ALS/dementia and Meme passed away from dementia. We mi…